Increase Affordability
1. Collaborate with local, state, and federal entities and programs to ensure consistent financial and/or in-kind support from organizations such as the Colorado Preschool Program (CPP), Head Start and Early Head Start, and the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP).
2. Secure grants from organizations that support early childhood care and education programs and initiatives.
3. Establish tuition rates based on the local market rate analysis and demographics.
Provide and Increase Program Quality
1. Participate in Colorado Shines, Colorado’s quality rating and improvement system for all of Colorado’s licensed early learning programs. Early learning programs are rated through Colorado Shines on a scale of 1 to 5. Levels 3-5 are considered high-quality programs and that's where we're aiming.
Enhance Collaboration/Cooperation
1. Collaborate, cooperate, and partner with other organizations in our community for the preservation and/or expansion of existing services by forming an Early Childhood Council (ECC) with the Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood. Each ECC works toward consolidating and coordinating funding. Together, the ECCs throughout the state create a seamless system of early childhood services representing collaboration among various public and private stakeholders for the effective delivery of early childhood services in the areas of early care and education, family support, mental health, and health.